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Modulaire opbouw
]Project Open[ is modulair opgezet met als voordeel dat het geheel echt op maat kan worden geconfigureerd. Daarnaast kunnen per module de rechten per gebruikersgroep worden gedefinieerd. Daarnaast staat het de gebruiker vrij om modules aan te passen en/of uit te breiden, hoewel wij daar geen voorstander van zijn i.v.m. support. Alle sources zijn echter open.

PR - Project Management
Management of one-time activities, their resources and their scheduling.
- Projectplanning
- Project tracking
- Scrum & Agile
- Portfolio Management
- Taks Management
- Project Change Management
- Project Status Reporting
- Milestone Tracking
- Baseline Management
- Risk Management
- Timesheet Management
ITSM & Services Management
The ]project-open[ ITSM (IT Services Management) module includes IT specific functionality according to ITIL V3, COBIT and PRINCE2.
- SLA Management
- Incident Management
- Help Desk
- Problem Management
- Configuration Management
- Costumer & Provider Portal
- Change Management
- Software Release Management
BI - Business Intelligence & Reporting
Provides visibility of process variables. Includes operational reports, data-warehouse cubes and performance indicators.
- More than 40 Reports
- Data-Warehouse Cube
- Pie Charts based on DW-Cube
- MS-Excel / MS-Access Report
- ]po[ HTML Reporting Engine
- ]po[ OpenOffice “Powerpoint” Reporting Engine
- Sencha Charts
- Histogram Chart
- Simple SQL Query in pgAdminIII of PSQL
- Ad-hoc Queries
CKM - Collaboration & Knowledge Management
Services for archiving /managing/ integrating business intelligence into daily company operations.
- Wiki
- Filestorage
- Discussion Formum
- Full-Text Search Engine
- Calendar
- Surveys
- Idea Management
- Mail Integration
CRM - Costumer Relations Management
The CRM (Customer Relationship Management) module of ]po[ allows users to capture and integrate all customer related activities within in the company throughout the customer life cycle.
- Costumer Maintenance
- Management of IT infrastructure and services, bases on ITIL best practices
- Sales Planning
- Costumer Portal
- Lead Management
- Mass Mailings
- Reporting
FI - Finance
The ]po[ Finance Module implements a financial system specifically designed for profit and loss calculation of projects in real-time with specific emphasis on [|controlling] processes and easy reporting using the ]po[ data-warehouse and other analytical functions.
- Time Sheet Management
- Project Controlling
- Budget Management
- Sales Planning
- Project Billing
- Earned Value
- Accounts Payble
- Accounts Receivable
- Multi Currency Management
HR - Human Resource Management
Administration of human resources and their skills both inside and outside the company.
- Employee Maintenance
- Absence Management
- Resource Management
- Skill Management
- Employee Management
- Expense Management
- Reporting & Indicators